Basic Tumble dryer Fault Finder

This is a very simple dryer but one of the best in our opinion. if you need further help give us a call.

Here is a explanation on how to test switches , thermostat fuses and cutoffs.



  1. Check the Plug is plugged into the wall socket and its switched on
  2. Check the Plug wires
  3. Check the cable for any damage or Melting
  4. Unplug the Device and open the back and trace the mains cable to the power switch and test the switch.
  5. Normally the Switch or Power cable will cause the Dead problem.
  6. Testing the parts with a tester shown in the figure on the right side
  7. Put the tester on Ohms or the beeping setting and test the 2 points on the switch it should beep if its switched on.
applianceRepair king
 Power Light is on but nothing is working
  1. Unplug the Device
  2. Check the Door switch
  3. Check for any burnt wires on the switches and timers
  4. Check the Door switch
  5. Rarely the motor goes faulty but this is a last resort
  6. Testing the parts with a tester shown in the figure on the right side
  7. Put the tester on Ohms or the beeping setting and test the 2 points on the Door switch it should beep if its Pressed.
 Everything working but there is no Heat
  1. Unplug the device
  2. open the back cover
  3. check for burnt wiring to to buttons and timer on the front panel
  4. check the thermal for Fuse at the back of the drum for continuity
  5. check the temperature cutoff for continuity
  6. Clean all the Vents to prevent overheating and damage
 Burning Clothes
  1. Belt Damaged or Slipping
  2. Drum not Spinning
  3. No ventilation , Clean the vents
  4. Belt pulleys damaged
 Keeps running and wont stop
  1. Lose wire on the timer Motor
  2. The timer is Faulty
  3. The timer motor is faulty
 Servicing a Dryer
  1. Dryers need to be service regular as the can cause fires
  2. Basically check for melting wires
  3. Clean all vents and fans
  4. This can burn down your house.
 Working but makes a Humming noise when on
  1. Check for any obstructions in the fan
  2. Check that the fan is not hitting the back closure
  3. beings or pulleys can be faulty try adding machine oil
  4. Motor bearings will need replacing
 Not Spinning but making a humming noise
  1.  This is a Capacitor or faulty motor issue.
  2. To test the cap open the machine and switch it on
  3. try helping the drum spin and see if it starts to spin on its own, if this happens then replace the capacitor.